Discover Hidden Naxos

My take on the island: stories, anecdotes and observations, detailed instructions with maps on how to get to the places I want you to see off the tourist tracks It was such fun to write.I had stacks of photos, and I determined that it should be fun to read too. Enough dry-as-dust guide books already […]

My take on the island: stories, anecdotes and observations, detailed instructions with maps on how to get to the places I want you to see off the tourist tracks.
The book was such fun to write. I had stacks of photos and I determined that it should be fun to read too. Enough dry-as-dust guide books already sit on the shelves: well meaning, earnest, informative. No, I thought, I want to entertain people and from the reviews I have received, it seems that I have succeeded.

If you would like to order a copy (US$16 + postage & packing) please  Contact Me


  • “This is a delightful book, full of breathtaking photos (I can’t wait to see these sights with my own eyes!) and charming directions for finding places the average tourist would otherwise miss. Stuart Thorpe weaves descriptions of the people, places and things of Naxos into a lovely tapestry.”

  • With your book we have more suggestions to find more hidden places, so thank you!!! It was a pleasure reading it. Clear and with this typical sense of humor. We sure want to try more suggestions next year!

    We love to drive along on the island and see what happen.  Your book is very useful for oriëntating and finding things we would normally pass.

    Robert & Annelie Kochen

  • Hello Stuart! I was so happy to receive your book yesterday. It is the perfect size to bring with me and the photos are absolutely beautiful and amazing. I can’t wait to read it and savor all the information I know I will find useful. Kinda cheated and skimmed thru looking at the pics and I love the fact that u have quite a sense of humor


  • Stuart:  Just received your book (no extra postage required) and have already laughed out loud a couple of times!  What a marvelously readable guidebook.


  • Dear Stuart,

    I just wanted to let you know that my husband & I just returned from our trip to Greece. We received a copy of your book from our hotel (Villa Marandi) and it was a WONDERFUL resource! Thank you for this guide - we truly appreciated the ideas of where to go and the background/history you provided.

    All the best,


  • Good Morning Mr Thorpe,

    Received your book on the 18th. Love it ! This is exactly the sort of info I was hoping for. We will certainly be doing all or part of all three routes you describe. Our two weeks plus should give us plenty of time to set a leisurely pace. We will take you advice on car rental and proper clothes and footwear. That being said we will probably walk to most of the foot routes you mention. This is our third time in Greece. We would have both agree with you. "We should have been born in Greece". It appears you are living a life we hope to in the near future. Once again thank you very much for" Hidden Naxos". I begin the second read through today.

    Best regards, Bill Hurlburt

  • Dear Stuart,

    So typical of me to get hold of your book on the day I leave Naxos and have already returned the hire car. However, it is a pleasure to read, specially with your various insights into things. I loved the bit when you remark that parts of Chalki are a bit too "twee".! You answered so many of my questions: all that bamboo! Or reed, as you accurately point out. In Australia where I live people do their utmost to get rid of it ( though personally I like it), and telling me that those cactus-y things are AGAVE. I am going to go on reading your book simply for pleasure, even after leaving Naxos and undertaking the 30-hour journey back to Oz. I noticed a number of people in the hotel (KAVOS) also reading it, so you have obviously hit home.I am sorry you are not leading tours; it would have been a great pleasure to meet you.

    Warm regards,

    Penelope. (Surname witheld by request)

  • “Just received your book!!! I’ve only just started it but I already love it- you have a great way of writing, and I really enjoy your humor! This is just even more than I could have hoped for. Thank you for writing this!! Alex.”
