'Stuart Thorpe - Writer - Photographer'

About the Author

Stuart Thorpe was born near London, England and has lived in various countries but he fell in love with Greece a long time ago and has settled permanently on the island of Naxos. Apart from his work as a travel photographer and photo-workshop tutor and guide, he has always written, and 2016 saw the publication of his first book: Discover Hidden Naxos – A Guide For the Individualist which is also illustrated with his own photography. After this he started work on an historical adventure series The Second Coming the first two volumes of which are complete with a third volume in progress. He is also working on other books including a work of contemporary fiction In The Land of the Blind, a book of Short Stories and a fictional biography of the Venetian adventurer and visionary Marco Sanudo and the Conquest of Naxos island in 1207.

He is happy to talk about his work, so if you have any questions or comments then go to the contact page.